Imagine if you were a security protection expert for a major part of your life and someone you cared about asked you, “what are the key things you have, use or do for your personal security on an everyday basis?”. How would you want to answer them?
In this book you will hear from 4 men who live and breathe a self-protection mindset, either by the way they live, the jobs they do, or the units, operators, and professionals they teach. You'll have immediate access to their top 6 personal security mindsets, gear, and actions that these guys do not leave home without.
Within the pages of this book, "the 6 bullets you can't leave home without" you will find their answers to that burning question as well as solutions you can personally implement immediately into your own daily life.
This book is a collaboration of 4 men in their words and writing and its written for the everyday person in straight forward language to urge and assist you to take action for you and your family’s security.
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